Friday, March 30, 2012

Well here goes nothing

Listening to one of my favourite bands from YEARS back.  Boston - the sound track to a couple of those great summers you look back on when everything was great, had the car, the girlfriend (whoops not current Mrs. F.) and just were young and crazy.  My car was a great, a few years old, automatic and went like something thrown off a stick.  We went all over the place, we were always out, the sun always shined (well I think it did!).  Great memories taking my mind off the scan.....

The sun is shining out here and I'm pretty much OK with things.  A little nervous, not quite as bad as going for an operation but just a little - of course, not having eaten for 4 hours can make your stomach feel like that anyway :-)  So - let's go off into the void and see what this experience is like.   I've just got to get there and do what they tell me and (of course) it will be what it will be and will take the time it takes.  I'm hoping to be able to get to my cafe on the way back and have some  good protein but doubt that I'll get the legumes - will have to fill up on those back here.


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