Tuesday, May 06, 2008

A day to go

I'm not as wound up as I normally get and it could be because these operations and treatments are becoming a routine thing. I know what to expect and there aren't any hidden "nasties" out there. It is just one of those things you have to do.

I can - I suppose now count these down like I can with the maintenance. If the results of this are OK then I will have 6 more BCGs, an Operation and if that is OK, a further 6 BCGs and a final Operation. Viewed that way it isn't too bad.

Of course, once I know what the outcome of this batch is and the likely start of any maintenance, then I can do some planning. It is likely that treatments would start in June and September and the next Operation just before Christmas.

The rest of the day is all about planning and making sure I have completed all of my tasks of which there are quite a few still.

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