Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Sinking in

It took me a while to let it sink in. I've been "cancer free" since about October last year really as that is when the biopsies were taken and in November I got the first clear. So that is 8 months already and if I have this lot of treatment and I am clear again that will be about 14 months or so roughly.

The relief of only having 6 treatments and 1 operation is palpable I can tell you! I was psyched up for the 12 more treatments and the 2 Operations and this is a big bonus. The regime has changed - it used to be for three years but the way they look at it now is if you do not recur then you can come off the treatment.

So there you have it - it is quite something and I am happy but not screaming around or anything - just inwardly very pleased with the way things are going. Now I need to sort out the remainder of my body - weight, blood pressure etc and I can look forward to a little bit longer a life than I thought I was going to have a few years ago.

Life is very good at the moment, I really enjoy my work, I am getting back my old self confidence and I am really getting on with the job I have as well.

I just need to know when they are starting my treatment and I can then plan out the whole thing - I reckon I will be in Hospital on the 16th December which is C's birthday - but maybe I'll be able to roll my recovery straight into the Christmas period!!

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