Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Not a lot better this morning

I can still feel the anger inside me. Whilst I'm not as angry this morning as I was yesterday I have to admit to being quite up for an outburst or two at this moment. It is probably the way I am feeling about myself and what I have and why no one else can see it the same way I do - I think.

I didn't know anything about Cancer before I got it and so it would be difficult for me to understand a colleague or friend with it. In fact, it was only after I got this that I fully comprehended how some of my friends who have gone through other Cancers must have felt, hurt and recovered.

Perhaps I need to communicate more and try and give them some understanding of what it is really like? The trouble is, you tend to sound "attention seeking" or worse "self centred" but you don't really mean to be. My "honest this is how it is" approach also has its drawbacks as it is probably too much detail and quite disturbing?

So perhaps that is it. Work, in contact with real people (face 2 face) looms large and perhaps their grasp of the situation will need managing so that they get it.

Right, that's enough of the deep and meaningful stuff on a Wednesday - time to get on with some work.

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