Monday, March 24, 2008


I can't say that the last set of decisions were either in my hands or exactly the best ones I've ever made. However there you go, they are history and the future lays in front of me now.

I have a nagging reluctance to return to the workplace. Deep inside, something is wanting me to hold back. I'm not sure whether that is because of the complete change in direction, the low money and conformity of the role, regret that I'll go back to work after having almost started the researcher business or something else. If the job doesn't suit then, I am guessing that it will be easy enough to leave that - we did discuss how and if I would fit in.

It is some great wave of worry just a deep down thing, almost a doubt or uncertainty. I have these quite a bit and so I shouldn't be surprised I'm having these now.

I need to spend today thinking about whether it is the right move. The family are, as ever, fully supportive of it. I just want to make sure that it isn't jumping in the wrong direction.

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