Thursday, March 27, 2008

Got it!

Well that is a relief. I got the job this morning definitely and I start next Tuesday. I'm now going through the shock and relief bit. It wasn't quite what I was planning to do but it is a relief to get out of the Rat Race and to be able to move on. We agreed to give it a year and to review it after that time. That should give us enough time to see if we like each other and then we can decide whether to take that forward on a more permanent basis. I'm actually quite pleased about that now. I have a load of work to do to change all my online details but happy to do that too.

There are some loose strings that need sorting out and I need to sort out myself and get ready to become a disciplined worker again. I haven't worn a suit for work for years either. The one yesterday didn't fit particularly well.

Right - I need to catch up with all my work now and finish off all these outstanding bits of work too.


Anonymous said...

Congratulations on the new job hope all goes well


A Dived Ref said...

thanks - Lets see how I get on with it - i think that there is so much I can do for them. Will send you details by separate cover.