Sunday, May 04, 2008

Something you can't buy

A very good friend of mine told me something along the lines of "You cannot buy stature". It then dawned on me that the reason I was OK about the past things - tribunal going against me and so on is that, there isn't a snowball's chance in hell that these guys will ever succeed.


  • They have shown themselves to be untrustworthy to everyone who has met them
  • They haven't kept a promise in what must be a year now
  • They say one thing and do another
  • They speak big and act petty
  • They have little or no respect for themselves let alone their investors
  • They think that they are ahead in the game but their competitors actually have customers

I could go on but the more I think about it the worse it gets as they have no credibility left and they need to explain to new investors why so many old investors fell by the wayside. Then they need to explain why it took them another year to put right the software after they launched it and then they will have to explain the trail of company names for the past 3 years. Also that if it is such a great idea why is everyone else heading for the hills.

I can content myself with the conversation I had last week with a couple of my partners who I introduced who have reversed away at high speed leaving only those who invested years ago to stay and watch on with morbid interest. At this point the Vulture's aren't circulating but they are perched watching. There is the sort of morbid curiosity building as at a car crash or disaster scene, it is horrible but at the same time you are drawn to look at it. Well some people are.

So - you can't buy stature and you can't buy most of the things I'd like to think I stand for. Today's society seems to be all about selfishness. The one thing you learn if you have to rely on people is that they are the ones to treat properly. Annoy them and you lose just about everything. Lose your reputation as a fair person, a decent and honest person and you may as well go and retire as you cannot re-build it. These guys have bitten the hands that feed them so many times and this time tried to sever the whole arm. They mistakenly think that is how to take them to the top of the food chain but Hyenas still have to pay homage to the Lions (my thanks to Eric Cantona for the inspiration).

My guess is that the reputation damage these guys have suffered and will continue to suffer will make it almost impossible for them to continue in the future. Those who think it is a good idea and have been with them for years are sitting back and waiting for it to happen - if it does fine, if it doesn't - fine, they have businesses to run as well and it doesn't make a lot of difference one way or the other.

As for me, I am writing it all off, putting it down to experience and walking away. I'd like to get out there and assist in their downfall but they already have major problems and a rotten core which will eventually tear the business apart. Anyway, life is too short and there are others who can take up the fight now. They have real money and real contracts in place so they can resolve what they want to do and do it. Most probably sat back to see what would happen in my case before committing to move.


Anonymous said...

Let it go


A Dived Ref said...

Absolutely - difficult but I have to do it. Just annoying that highway robbery and theft are an acceptable way of carrying on these days. At least I am doing something now that will make a difference to people's lives and these are honest people who's mission in life is to help those less fortunate than themselves. The change in approach is massive. The trouble is that the majority of other people you meet appear to be self centred and arrogant - I'm sure it isn't true but the atmosphere at work is so different to anything or anywhere else I have worked.

The appeal of that is the ability to celebrate getting through this and putting something back into society. Fortunately I believe that the family has always instilled the "right" values in me and so I feel I've done the right thing so far - it is important to be doing the right thing for me now and going forward, hence the move on statement. I leave it to the wider community to do something about it now. 60 Million people in this country and I can't be arsed about a couple of them.

A Dived Ref said...
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