Sunday, October 20, 2013

Lifting The Embargo

The time rapidly approaches when I can lift the embargo and get to review what on earth has happened since June of this year.  It's been a journey I can tell you that and it hasn't finished yet indeed it may only just be starting.

I need to make some calls and do some emails and then the embargo can be lifted and I can get on with writing without beating around the bush.

I've been up to my mums for 5 days and seen my brother and his family too and that's part of the process I need to have gone through.  As usual I have come back weighed down with stuff from my mum!  My brother has lost loads of weight and his clothes are hanging off him almost.  He's lost 5 stone!  However, he now weighs 18 Stone so that gives you an idea of how he ballooned up.  He was about 18 or 19 stone last time I saw him and he just piled the weight on and got very depressed about it so I introduced him to the Low Carbohydrate, High Fat regimen and he's now 5 Stone lighter, happier, fitter, blood work is good and his blood pressure has dropped.  He is continuing on his journey and losing weight and continuing to do so.  His Doctor wants him at 11 and a half stone.  That was my "fighting" weight when I was 19 years old.  I'd be happy to get myself a further 3 stone lighter and be around 12 stone.  I think it is doable by this time next year as long as I continue to follow my LCHF lifestyle.

I was explaining to my mum the Eckhart Tolle stuff and she gets it.  It was funny but we both have similar attitudes to things like death and the past and indeed the future.  Of course, mine are more recent in terms of finally getting around to fixing my head back onto my shoulders but it was interesting to have a long time talking about the embargoed stuff, my dad who died last year was subject to some nostalgia and reminiscing but no sadness or upset as we both have the attitude that we had a great time when he was with us and remember him with great affection but we aren't all cut up and upset that he is no longer with us.  When your time is up, your time is up and that's it.  Being sad or unhappy about that doesn't do anything at all apart from make you miserable and he'd have hated that.  He didn't want monuments and certainly didn't want anyone visiting his grave or where his ashes were - he wasn't that sort of man.

So we had lots of fun looking back and discussing how things are.  The future is an interesting place but no longer holds any fears for me now.  Where before it was all planned out and mapped in my head now I have a general sense of direction and it will be what it will be and that's that.  It's so refreshing not to have the baggage of that anymore.  My new business is taking shape in my head and on documents.  I feel great and ready to leap into action but still need a few things in place.  I was adamant I wanted the business to be ready before Christmas this year to pick up some seasonal work and actually I'm now happy to get going in the New Year when I am ready and when things are properly in place to progress.  I don't need to rush I need to do this properly.

I'm glad I went to see my mum though - it should have been weeks ago but she got a nasty cold.  She's an interesting lady and whilst I disagree with her politics and some of her views on life we do agree on many things and that was good.  I really needed her views and her insight and in many ways her support.  Despite the fact I'm as old as I am I needed to go and talk to her about the major changes that have happened to me since mid June of this year.  I can't say it was easy actually getting to the heart of the matter and explaining what on earth had been going on but once I did all was OK and I've come back with my head in the right place and a renewed confidence and outlook which was just what I wanted.

Once embargo is over I guess it will all become clear.  I hope that it will be a little later today when I lift the lid on it all. 

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