Wednesday, October 09, 2013

Living In The Now - It's Quite Difficult

I found myself daydreaming this morning.  I was laying in bed and just dreaming away about all sorts of things that are totally impossible - I suppose dreams and fantasies are OK as long as you recognise them for what they are.  

It was a very pleasant set of dreams and ideas but they can never  happen and are unlikely to.  I realised that I had to wake myself up and stop myself doing this because no matter what you might think there are expectations set and these dreams are almost like real to me and that was always my problem in the past.  I can in no way achieve these things even if I really went for them and dedicated myself to trying to achieve them it would never be quite the same it certainly wouldn't happen in the same way or mean the same thing so best to put them to one side and choose not to take any more notice of them :-)

Having then got rid of thinking about the future I found myself drifting back to wanting to feel bad about something that happened to me years ago!  Again, the past is the past, it's happened and it can't be undone so another thought series was brought to a close.  So I can stop myself doing this stuff and then try and work in the now and for most of the day it was OK although I did meet a fair share of idiots on eBay today but suffered them - although one did get a one word response back :-)

The other trick to keep you in the now is to enjoy whatever you are doing.  Sounds pretty difficult I agree but actually I realised that I had to unload the dishwasher before lunch and that was OK I just thought to do it now, it will get done, there's no rush, you aren't missing anything by doing this chore and got on and did it.  It was pretty simple really and it's like many of these things these days, it will get done and it doesn't need to be rushed - what are you rushing it for other than to get onto the next thing you need to rush to do.  It's all very strange and also quite relaxing and liberating too.  I know I have lots of things to do but do you know what?  They will get done and things that need to happen will happen and it's no use worrying about them.  There's a list a mile long but it isn't going to get done any quicker with me worrying about it.  

The freedom it gives is marked and someone last night - who hadn't seen me for a while - just noticed that I was quite different - apparently I was also very amusing - probably because I'd had a beer and been cooped up for a while and was letting my hair down! Actually yesterday of course I just went out and enjoyed myself and made myself helpful and useful and delivered the talk and I just, once again, enjoyed walking there, meeting people, doing my talk, collecting the money (I'm the Treasurer) and just being part of the proceedings.  That's what it is good about being in the now - you can enjoy it for what it is and you become more alert to the things around you too.  Yes - it's very good but does take some time to get right and to maintain although I guess it gets easier as time goes on.

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