Wednesday, October 01, 2008

I don't like me much these days

I'm really not happy with the outcome. I am belligerent, confrontational, sarcastic, aggressive, overly assertive and not really someone I like anymore?

I've sort of fallen out with who I've become in a way. I'm left post this experience with this "outlook" on life and "attitude" that, frankly, you would never understand unless you had been in my position. A whole new perspective opens up to you when you have been through this BUT only you and your fellow sufferers will ever understand the downright frankness of your opinions, the ability to say how you see things without really thinking too much about how other people "feel" almost a lack of political correctness if you will.

I find it quite disturbing as I nearly had a word with someone this evening who was wearing his ignorance as a badge of merit. Everyone knew he was an arsehole but no one was going to tell him - I stopped myself in time - a good thing actually as someone I know actually knew him!

How on earth do I get back to being "normal" again? Do I want to be normal? Have I some sort of insight? Maybe if I have I should keep it to myself?

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