Monday, December 16, 2013

Oh, Right, That's How It Feels

This separation malarkey is very strange.  There's some extra "stuff" to deal with - especially today as it is Mrs. F's birthday.  The first time in 36 or maybe more years we've not been out or done something on her birthday and it feels very strange indeed.

Even more strange as she announced this morning that she was off - which I knew about - but that she was staying overnight and wouldn't be back until tomorrow.  I know roughly where she is going but that's about it.  the girls haven't told me and so it remains a mystery.    Oh well, so be it - I was surprised how that stung though.  In a month or so it wont matter what I do or what she does or where we go as we won't be under each others feet.  Somehow I did find it a bit shocking though.

Oh well - roll with the punched old chap! :-)  I really didn't expect myself to be affected quite like that.  There you go.  I imagine then that when I move there'll be other wobbles like this.  Also I ought to expect similar at Christmas time.

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