Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Here's to Bio Hazard Man

Steve or Bio Hazard Man is about 18 months behind me in his diagnosis and treatment and is about to get the inspection that will determine the next stage of treatment based on what has already been done and what is left to do.

Don't underestimate how stressful it is to wait to hear whether or not things have worked out. It is like waiting for your number in a lottery but the stakes are a lot higher of course.

Here is Steve's wonderful blog about Bladder Cancer and I'm spending Thursday afternoon and evening thinking good thoughts and praying for the right movement in treatments for him and his family. If you have anything to cross then please do so.

I know there is a lot going on in the US right now but actually all our votes are with you at the moment Bio Hazard Man. Good luck.


Steve Kelley said...

Thanks much for the kind words and thoughts! Checked out OK today, so 3 more BCGs, then we go again for an inspection in 3 months.

A Dived Ref said...

Steve I am SO pleased for you and your family. Well done and keep up the good work. It is a great feeling to know that things are going in the right direction.