Monday, January 13, 2014

Another Weekend Endured

It's a strain on all systems when we try and work out how we will interact with each other over the weekends.  In many ways it was a lot easier this weekend as I was out house hunting and then at a Lodge meeting and laid in until about 11 this morning.  I tend to make myself move away from the computer or try to over the weekend and I think I may instigate some sort of ruling when I've moved to stop working and go and enjoy some "me time".

But I have to say Mrs. F. was OK with me this weekend and I think having L back from Uni is good as she is lively and she is getting out and doing things more.  I'm pleased as I do still feel very sorry for her.  Of course whilst I mention that she is taking it badly I also noticed that I was today.  I think because it is getting nearer and nearer and we are close to getting fixed and me moving out of here and the waiting will be over and I will miss this house as it holds so many memories from us setting up here and having the kids and them growing up etc.  

It is only very recently that things have been bad and it's also not been a horrible time we've had or anything like it.  But I've noticed that I've been pretty awful for a couple of years and I also notice that whilst I still don't know what the hell goes on around here, who is in the house where people disappear off to etc   So not a lot has changed and I'm still in the dark about most things.  At least I won't have to worry about it when I've moved apart from keeping in touch of course!

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