Sunday, January 12, 2014

Mmmmm - not a peep

I really ought to go with my gut instinct sometimes.  Since I suggested to this rogue buyer that he ought to take up his grievance with the management, my guess is this chap is a bully and gets his way a lot.  The hassle factor is, for him., that he'd have to argue the basics of a contract and I think he isn't that stupid to go to war over 99p - at least I don't think he is. What I like?  Not a peep, none of his hyperbole and rhetoric and none of this start off nasty and slowly change your story nonsense to make it seem like he is a good guy.  

He did get me going though but I think that I've pushed the button and suggested he go and argue out the site's terms and conditions with the people that wrote them, he may have drawn breath and re-thought his strategy. I feel chilled about it now.  I was pretty steamed up about it a day or two ago = I just need to realise that it doesn't matter anyway in the big scheme of things.

We had a look at the two properties today and I have to say that they were both good but Flocky and I have slightly different tastes and so we ended up liking a different house but, the main thing here is that one is OK for his needs and I don't actually have specific requirements and so one actually is much better than the other in terms of fit.  Maybe on Monday we can review it and see what we want to do.

Either one fits my needs anyway and so that's fine.  We have also found that the places we saw on Thursday may also now be more "available" to us after a quick exchange of correspondence.

Well the main thing here is that both places suit the basic needs but one stands out and fits all the needs and isn't too far away and is reasonably priced.  It also looks as if the landlord is interested and is local and takes an interest which is also good!

It's been a long day  - I did walk there and back to the meeting listening to my music.  I'm pretty cold at the moment - the moon and stars are out there's a good frost and freezing fog coming in :-)  But a nice night to clear the head for sure.

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