Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Life and Lemons

Met a lovely lady tonight - full of fun and amusing until she had the glass of wine I bought her which tipped her from tipsy to wobbly drunk.  Lovely lady, lives around the corner from me.  I did what you should do and offered to make sure she got home.  We'd had a lovely 30 minutes although the conversation was somewhat repetitive - but I hadn't tuned in to the drunk bit.

I held her arm home and then she said she'd be OK and so I said goodnight and she toddled off down the road and landed against the fence three or four times.  I followed her and eventually said that I really wanted to make sure she got back to her house safely but - I suppose - rightly so - she didn't want me to know where she lived so I gave her a direct, in the eyes speaking to about making sure she went straight home and that I was extremely worried about her.

She appeared to be heading in the right direction.  I made absolutely sure but didn't round the corner where she lived - I think the stern talking to may have resolved that.

Oh my word she was lovely :-) Divorced, had kids of 11 and 16 but was so amazingly full of life and really quite good fun.  Anyway, she is home (I really hope she is) and will have a massively thick head in the morning to take to school.  I hope she remembers that I took her home and that all I wanted was for her to be safe and in her front door!

There are times when you really need to be a Gentleman - tonight was that night and nothing would have happened no matter what.  I'm surprised she even got to the pub in that state really and it worries me to see girls/ladies in a state of unbalance shall we say.

Anyway - fingers crossed - she's home and she'll just have the hangover from hell to live with in the morning.

Life is so interesting that you meet these lovely people on your journey.  It gives me hope that I will meet someone right for me - tonight was serendipity - it would be lovely if she were to meet me again but if not our lives crossed for a short while and we had a lovely 30 minutes of laughing and joking and sharing our life stories.  

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