Thursday, January 09, 2014

Viewing - Such Diverse Places

Having not gone house hunting for years and years.  You tend to forget that you see all sorts of houses in all sorts of states.

Funnily enough Mrs. F. chose this present house - I was working away and came to see it with her after she had seen it first.  It really is a nice place and I will be sorry to leave it.  At one time I thought that I'd live the rest of my natural here :-)  

I recollect us seeing some pretty appalling places when looking for our first house but being put off buying a lovely old Victorian Town House which today is worth millions :-)  Such are the cards we are dealt.  I'd have had to do it up but I was "in the trade" at the time so no real problems...

This wind and rain is certainly sorting out the properties though.  The damp patches we have seen must be due to the rain being blown under flashings and I'm guessing it's three or four houses we have seen like that.   

The very first place we saw was great but no garage.  The next place we saw was way out in the country but very cold, old and didn't quite fit our needs.  The next place was quite nice but couldn't quite work out what was wrong with it - it didn't seem right although the place was pretty nice inside and out.  On a busy road but again it wasn't too noisy.  A real nightmare to get out of the drive though.  The next place was nice, but difficult to get our heads around because it was fully furnished.  It was an interesting property nonetheless and could work for us.  So of the 4 we saw only the last one fitted our needs.  The First one if it had a garage would have been perfect!  What a shame.  We are meant to be viewing one tomorrow although I've not heard back on it and 2 on Saturday.  

It's difficult - as with all of these things - to get precisely what you need of course but hey ho a few more to see and then we may need to make our minds up fast.

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