Well a bit later than dawn. Had to be shaken awake by Mrs. F. I'm up and showered and knocking back a fist-full of Pills. It is rainy and windy outside which I don't need - I'll walk to the Hospital as there isn't anywhere to park really. I will obviously keep my mouth closed as with these pills rattling around me I could be mistaken as a whistle.
My hearing has improved a little bit. I can certainly hear a little bit from one ear now and a lot more out of the good one. I'll make sure they are aware at the Hospital that they may need to SHOUT at me.
I noted that I had 6 procedures and 24 BCGs in 30 months. So that is something every month for that time if you look at it that way.
In a little over an hour and a half I'll get going off to the Hospital. I was going to take my laptop in to the local PC man on the way to see if they could rescue any of the data but as I can hardly hear myself talking felt it may be difficult to explain what I had done and what I want them to do. Being in the business I don't want them to spend inordinate efforts redoing what I have already done and I also need to set the scene about what I need rescued as most is backed up except a couple of spreadsheets that are pretty important and I hadn't backed them up for a couple of months. If it can't be recovered then it is annoying and means more effort on my part to be creative especially as they were accounts :-)
I've go my list of medication, my questions and I can't really take down a book or music as I need to concentrate on what people are saying so I know when it is "my turn" because of this muffled deafness.
So here I am after a 30 month Roller Coaster Ride wondering whether as it pulls into the terminus this time it will actually stop and let me off? If it does, I can go on one of the lesser rides (please not "It's a Small World")....
More later I'm sure, for the moment I'm looking forward to seeing my Consultant and hearing what the results are and what is going to happen next.
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