Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Patience is a virtue

And something I need to get used to. I cannot believe that I am still deaf but not too bad. I suppose it will now come back gradually but once again the tinnitus is back which is just so annoying. I am going to go out tonight and meet up with my school chums. We normally meet on the second Tuesday but I was too ill and everyone else was disrupted this time too. It should be fun and take my mind off things. It's great to have supportive friends around.

At the moment I'm just sitting here at my PC staring at it and wondering what to do next. I really should get on with my coursework but when I tried that earlier my lack of hearing is making it a bit difficult to grasp the subject properly. I am on poetry and it never was my favourite subject. I would have skipped this module but I have an assignment on it. I listened to the first few tracks and as people's voices kept scrambling in and out of robot speak I gave up it just isn't going to sink in that way!! I think I will just have to give it up as a bad job today and go at it again tomorrow and hope that my ears are working better.

I cannot remember a time when I was just like this and just not 100% - it really is such a bind and it makes doing anything difficult or complex when it isn't.

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