Sunday, January 11, 2009

Surfaced for a few minutes

I have been in bed and not at all well. I guess I HAD to pay for yesterday's meeting. I had to be there and loaded myself up with drugs and just bludgeoned my way through it. Of course, that strategy meant that when I got home I went to sleep and didn't wake for 12 hours. When I did, I was looked at and told you aren't getting up today and have been asleep since then as well. The cold is pretty horrible and my ears are still blocked and I can't hear much.

It looks as if, if I can't shake this, I won't be going to the Hospital tomorrow for my appointment. It would be churlish for me to take this into the Hospital or for me to pick up something whilst I am still so ill.

I've just had a bowl of soup and will take my self back to bed again to see if I can shake this off.

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