Monday, January 19, 2009

Whoa - even heard the morning alarm

Well - what can I say, still deaf but getting better. I can hear the keys on my PC keyboard and I heard the alarm go off this morning. All in all that is a major improvement. I've still got some problems with my "good" ear - it would be the one I don't have trouble with giving me all the problems! Typical.

I can hear muffled sounds from the good ear and I can hear high pitched sounds from the bad ear so all in all I am probably beginning to get to a point where the congestion will be cleared and I can hear again.

I feel pretty weak though I was surprised about that. I have informed work that I probably wont be there for the start of the week. If I am realistic, I doubt they'd see me much before next week the way things are going. It seems to be taking a long time to clear up.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sounds like you have had ,flu takes a long time to get over that
Get well soon
