Wednesday, March 28, 2007

How Silly

To get wound up over this. I'm thinking I need "any excuse" these days to be gloomy - or put upon. It is easy to get into that frame of mind "It always happens to me" and I'm going to have to live with this (I hope) for a very long time so I'd just better get used to it I suppose. I'll be doing the paranoia and conspiracy theory bit next!

On the up side - the job market seems to be good, I'm getting some good quality local work posted to my inbox and I've actually decided today to go for a few of them and get back into interview practice and into working for a living mode. I'm banking on everything being clear - how else can I picture it? If that is the case and I go in on the 11th then I will come out on the 12th and have a few days off - then I would have 2 to 3 weeks before going in and hearing the news and then perhaps a week after that a three week course of BCG. Which would take me to about the end of May (Monaco Grand Prix weekend) and that would mean a November 6 month cysto and another 3 BCGs. Believe it or not this is positive thinking. What that would mean is that every May and November from then onwards I'd have a cysto and a course of BCG up to a certain number of years then I think the period between changes to 9 months, 12 months etc.

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