Tuesday, March 13, 2007

I wouldn't want to cross me tonight

Talk about Mr. Angry. Strewth. I am fuming about today. I said to someone about it being the 13th as well.

It is the total expectation that you can drop everything for all these extra appointments and tests and goodness knows what else. No problems delay this, move that and I suppose I'm lucky as it doesn't make a lot of difference to me but imagine you were hanging on to your job or actually desperately needed a job and this happened to you.?


Flocky Bicep said...

Bummer - and i thought i had a bad day. keep your chin up mate. if you're up town friday lunch time come and join me for a guinness

A Dived Ref said...

Thanks Buddy. Luckily I have invites out for the next three days and so will not be up in town for a Guiness. I had a few today to calm the nerves I can tell you.