Tuesday, March 13, 2007


Can't do anything about it I suppose so have to live with it. Sods up my life for the next 6 to 8 weeks and all the psyching myself up for today and next week has to be re-done.

I just want to know if I still have the cancer or not and whether I can get onto maintenance or not. Much of the anger has subsided, it wasn't directed at anyone in specifically. I think the family got a bit of it but not much - I did try and keep myself to myself a bit but occasionally bit off heads when rhetorical questions were posed!

Early night, back on the exercise bike in the morning and then re-plan and re-schedule everything. I wouldn't mind I've rescheduled so many things and apologised for not going to loads of things and now don't I look the arsehole?

Enough - go to bed.

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