Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Not Too Bad

I'm just settling down to a cup of coffee. I've done 20 minutes on the exercise bike, had a shower and just relaxing. I've checked the letter about 5 times already in case mysteriously the date or time have changed - they have not!

I'm a lot calmer than I have been leading up to this. This happens as you get near to the time and there is nothing you can do to affect the outcome so you accept it and get on with it.

Still some nerves but this is only pre-assessment and I can only guess what they are going to do based on what happened last time I went in. Scans, tests, questionnaire (I must remember to tell them about the eczema type stuff both times previous). I just hope they keep to time, that can be the most annoying thing to deal with. Of course Hospitals now make easier for you to increase your stress levels by allowing you to park on an hourly basis (for which you have the privilege of prepay) and then making you wait until just before your time is up. Then what do you do? Go and feed the meter, get a new ticket or go and have your appointment. The little twerp who thought that one up ought to be hung, drawn and quartered!

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